Russia isn’t going to start WWIII, but the West might

Comment by Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Russian Mission to the EU Kirill Logvinov for TASS News Agency on Schuman Security and Defence Forum, 29 May 2024

Very few British people have any experience of Russia today.  When Richard worked Russia, he gained valuable insight into not only Russia but also the West.  Carvath – who is very much British – realised that the world is not Russia-Bad-West-Good as we are endlessly told by the UK government and western mainstream media.  Carvath learned that contemporary Russia is in some respects a better civilisation and culture than that here in Britain today.  He learned that the quality of any culture is directly related to its foundational morality and spirituality.  The West including Britain is in serious decline for the reason that it has rejected its former foundation, namely Judaeo-Christian standards, and embraced instead secularism, paganism and the occult.  (You may think such conclusions are obvious – readers of Carvath WordPress tend to be better informed and more discerning than most – but such conclusions do not prevail in Britain, either in the Establishment, or amongst the general public.)  What Richard really learned is the lesson ‘know the god’.  God is sovereign; in the present age (the End Times) He permits people and nations to reject Him for any of many other ‘gods’: self, materialism, nationalism, occultism, to name a few.  The assessment of Team Carvath is this: Russia is not going to start WWIII against the West.  However, idiots with political power in the West – for example David Cameron – are quite capable of starting a major global conflict.  Take careful note of the position of Russia as stated in the content linked above.  There is much merit in what Russia has to say.  Russia is right in how it interprets much of what is going on in the world today.  The West is in decline, because it is in rebellion against God.  God is sovereign, and He causes or permits the rise and fall of nations, according to His perfect will.  Britain is in a mess: we need to get our own house in order, here at home.  Current British foreign policy in regard to Russia is disastrous; we need to stop provoking and attacking Russia immediately.
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